The PENCIL package will provide you with functional boards to quickly and efficiently communicate shot size, composition and angles to cast and crew clearly on the day.
Theses practical boards are best for a director getting a sequence or a series of sequences clear in their head before arriving to set - Ensuring everything flows, cuts together and plays the way it should.
The TONE package communicates your approach to mood and atmosphere with lighting references and a more eye-catching image.
As with the PENCIL package, these boards are perfect for having to hand on set to quickly communicate your plan to a lot of people at once, but can also help to put your collaborators/financiers’ minds at ease if they feel unsure about an idea that isn’t clear enough to them yet.
The PIGMENT package is crucial for presenting how you’re going to approach colour scheme, as well as lighting, mood, tone and everything else present in the previous two packages.
These boards are a must for anyone pitching ideas and concepts to clients, agencies or potential investors. Attention to detail along with a colourful visual can reall aid in getting your unique vision across.
The CONCEPT package provides a mix of all the aforementioned packages in the form of development; Costume design, the range of an animated character’s expressions, locations, set design etc…
We work closely with you to help create characters for your children’s book from scratch, create elaborate sets for theatre or illustrate a beautiful snapshot depicting a scene from your film.
Using a variety of methods, we can also manipulate pre-existing material to create comps and key visuals to project your imagination onto the page and eventually, the screen.
The ORNATE package is a unique and original artwork. Best for one-off keyframes featuring crucial moments from your project that best represents what you’re trying to do. Frequently used for commissioned, personalised works of art intended for framing and display. Anything that will be printed and sold - Posters, Book Covers, Packaging etc.
Your presentation or product will have a real edge and stand out with the help of an ORNATE as we always intend to convey the importance of your vision; giving a true sense of the tone and quality of the project you’re working so hard to bring to an audience.
The NOVEL option is a straight-up Graphic Novel/Comic Book approach priced by the page. Here, we incorporate years of consuming graphic novels and comics and pride ourselves on knowing how to layout and tell a story effectively in this ready-to-publish take on the great cultural American storytelling medium.
*Discount rates will occur for projects requiring 10 pages or more.
The ANIMATIC SLIDE is exactly what it says. No fancy stuff here. Just your storyboard animated into a slide show - cut together with timings and pace. They can include basic sound effects, dialogue recordings and a scratch soundtrack based on a reference of your choosing.
Oftentimes, there’s nothing quite like making the film before you make the film. It’s a safe and cost effective way of evaluating whether or not your film moves as it should. Do your transitions work? Shots cut together? You crossed the line of action? Forget about it, It’ll be grand.
As per the examples, the SLIDE package consists of black and white line drawings. It’s not necessarily pretty, but it’s very functional.
The ANIMATIC FLOW is a more developed version of the SLIDE, incorporating more fluid movement, complex camera moves and performances from characters - such as mouth movement, facial expressions and effects.
Light and shade feature when necessary and a lot of clients make sure to get this right before going all out on a commercial or film sequence. Remember, not everyone can pre-visualise the way you can in your lovely brain. This is one sure way to show the least imaginative and nervous clients you have, that everything is going to work out just fine.
And if they don’t like your idea? Better to find out before shooting the piece!